What a 400-Year-Old Bible Preface Can Teach Us about Translations
Yesterday we posted a translation of the wise and valuable—and largely forgotten—preface to the most important English Bible ever: the...

A New Translation of a Bible Translation Preface
When I first read the KJV translators’ preface, I was surprised to see that they fully expected a cold reception to their work. They...

The Prayer of John 17
In John 17, Jesus offers a powerful prayer, setting a strong example for Christian discipleship. His prayer reveals God’s heart as well...

Guard and Guide Your Heart and Mind
The heart and mind of a leader are important to his or her success. They must be nurtured, protected and guided. Never allow these to...

Keep This One Goal and You Will Meet All Your Goals
Here we are past mid-year. How are your goals for 2017 going? Have any of them already fallen off pace? Most people, unfortunately, do...

5 Consequences Leaders Face for Not Resting
StartFragment A trick many employ in a job interview when asked, “What is your biggest weakness?” is to give a weakness that many don’t...

A Crash Course on Leadership Meetings
Many church (or corporate) leaders come into a business setting with little formal training or marginal experience. Sure, lessons can be...

Recovering From Burnout: 12 Keys to Finding Your New Normal (a summary)
Burnout moves fatigue and the darkness from a place where it was in your control to a place where you can simply no longer control...

11 Signs You're More Than Just Tired...You're Burning Out
StartFragment If you have led for any amount of time, trying to make a real difference in an organization, business, community, church,...

6 Awesome Tips To Make The Most Of Your Time
1. Delegate everything you possibly can. As a leader your time is scarce. If you have an employee that you pay at a rate less than half...