Why Your Best Leaders Leave Your Church/Business/Ministry/Organization
It hurts when people leave. It’s been said that people don’t quit organizations, they quit people. There are a million reasons why, over...

10 Best Practices of Healthy Leaders
How are you today? Feeling tired, listless; need pep? No, this isn't a Vitameatavegamin commercial! What do you need to become a healthy...

When 100 Missionaries Come to Dinner
...and breakfast, and lunch, and to spend the night (or week)! This is what we have been blessed with this past week at OBC. Every day...
7 Reasons to Ask Others About Themselves Every Day
Happy Monday, Leaders! There is a well-worn cliché mostly attributed to Teddy Roosevelt, but regularly ascribed to other politicians,...

Understand the 4 Components of Influence
Good Afternoon Leaders! I was reading some articles from Harvard Business Review this week, and came across a few tidbits worthy of...

All the Poor and Powerless
Have you ever cried out? No, I mean really cried out, in complete desparation, end-of-the-rope kind of stuff. Many don't, at least out...

The Law of Influence
Good Morning Leaders, Backing off of strategic influence for a moment, let's look at John Maxwell's 21 Indisputable Laws of Leadership...

Following Jesus is Not a Popularity Contest
Read: Colossians 2:16-19 The divisions broke down something like this: band kids, ROTC kids, jocks and jockettes, the smoking court kids,...

4 Steps to Living Better
As we approach warmer weather and consider stuffing our bodies into bathing suit attire in about a month or two, we dream of losing...

Seven Habits of Outwardly Focused Churches
Seven Habits of Outwardly Focused Churches It was not a dramatic moment in time. Instead it was subtle, almost too subtle to be noticed....