Each ministry at Oakland is marked foremost by its mission to love and serve Christ through discipleship—a call to discover life to the fullest. By teaching the life-giving application of Scripture in daily life, Oakland’s goal is to carry forward Christ’s instructions to make disciples who in turn make other disciples.
Oakland is active in local and global missions. Supporting the idea of missions and individual missionaries is important because it is God’s plan in this world to bring new believers to Christ through the work of missions.

Whether you have been saved for a day or for a year, the Prayer Ministry is a great way to draw closer to God as you pray for others or share your prayer request.

We strive to provide a safe, welcoming environment for children so they can know, love and follow Jesus Christ. OBC Children's Ministry is offered for children through 6th grade; we do provide a Nursery Ministry for younger children.
Oakland’s Youth Ministry includes: a Youth Sunday School class on Sunday mornings at 9am, Small Group Bible Study on Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm and an annual week-long Summer camp.
Celebrate life after 55 with the Young @ Heart Senior Adult Ministry at Oakland Baptist Church!
If you are an adult who is at least 55 years old and enjoy Giving, Loving and Serving, then the YAH group is for you.
Our Life Groups at Oakland meet every Sunday morning from 9 AM -9:50 AM. We have Life Groups for every age and level of spiritualty.
Oakland's small groups are people gathered together around God's mission....
Small groups are offered during fall and spring semester.
Oakland's Radio Ministry was on air for 30 years. This ministry was led by Howard Wilkins. Find his ministry sermons online here.