The Dangers of Echo Chamber Leadership
We leaders often enjoy the affirmation and adulation of others as we express our ideas, provide direction, and set future courses. And we...

Giving the Gift of Christmas
StartFragment“You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.” It is better...

Giving and Thanksgiving
The oppressive summer heat begins to subside, as cooler airs shift currents from waves of cocoa butter to the warm embrace of pumpkin...

True Leadership is Sacrifice, Not Privilege
Good afternoon leaders, What is leadership to you? What does it mean to be a leader? How do you see yourself in the context of being one?...

5 Leadership Essentials: The most important things a leader does.
StartFragment Leading a business is demanding, but guiding a church or ministry demands a higher and more complex form of leadership than...

As a New Age Enthusiast, I Fancied Myself a Free Spirit and a Good Person
Then a strange dream, an old friend, and a disturbing psalm woke me up to reality. StartFragment I met God in a dream. He arranged the...

5 Crucial Ways Your Gratitude Impacts Your Attitude as a Leader
Ever notice the leaders you’re most attracted to tend to be the most grateful? At least that’s true for me. Grateful leaders make the...

Where's Jesus?
StartFragment Is He that baby in the manger? Is He that man walking on the water? Is He on the cross, in the tomb, ascended on His throne...

10 Tips to Help You Become a Leader Worth Following
Have to vs Want to Have you ever worked for someone simply because you needed a job or a pay check? Being in that situation isn’t very...

8 Questions to Ask When You Want to Build a Healthy Leadership Culture
StartFragment Do you want to see change next year? Would you like to improve the health of your organization and people? How about...